James Cameron’s much awaited movie “Avatar: The Way of Water” is set to be released soon in the mainland China– on 16th December (06 December – UK, and 16 December 2022 — United States).

How to say Avatar in Mandarin Chinese?
Well, Avatar is called A Fan Da in Chinese:
- 阿凡达 (ā fán dá): Avatar

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Let’s learn some important words and sentences. How about a quick reading and comprehension?
Reading and Comprehension
- 22日,迪士尼与20世纪影业宣布詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导的科幻动作大片《阿凡达:水之道》确定将于12月16日在国内同步北美上映。
- 22 Rì, díshìní yǔ 20 shìjì yǐng yè xuānbù zhānmǔsī·kǎ méi lóng zhídǎo de kēhuàn dòngzuò dàpiàn “āfándá: Shuǐ zhī dào” quèdìng jiāng yú 12 yuè 16 rì zài guónèi tóngbù běiměi.
- On December 22, Disney and 20th Century Cinema announced that the sci-fi action blockbuster “Avatar: The Way to Water” directed by James Cameron will be released in North America on December 16.

Original price was: $59.99.$19.99Current price is: $19.99.Add to cart
Chinese Words
- 詹姆斯 (zhānmǔsī): James
- 卡梅隆 (kǎ méi lóng): Cameron
- 詹姆斯·卡梅隆 (zhānmǔsī·kǎ méi lóng): James Cameron
- 阿凡达 (ā fán dá): Avatar
- 阿凡达2 (ā fán dá): Avatar2
- 阿凡达: 水之道 (ā fán dá: Shuǐ zhī dào): Avatar: The Way of Water
- 科幻 (kē huàn): Science fiction (科学幻想)
It’s worth noting that there are differences between 水道 and 水之道:
- 水道 (Shuǐdào): Waterway (the way opted by the boats)
- 水之道 (Shuǐ zhī dào) : Way of the water (the way opted by the water itself)