Sex before marriage is still not all that common in China – especially in the countryside. If you are interacting with the locals, you should be careful about discussing sexual topics.

In any case, how to say pre-marital sex in Mandarin Chinese?

How to say premarital sex in Chinese?
Well, there are so many ways to indicate “premarital sex” in Chinese.
One of the common ways is Hun Qian Xing Xing Wei–
- 婚前性行为
- Hūn qián xìnɡ xínɡ wéi
- Premarital sex

Chinese Words
If you think this word is too long to understand, here is the breakup for you-
- 婚
- Hūn
- Wed; marry
- 前
- Qián
- Front; first; before
- 婚前
- Hūn qián
- Before marriage; premarital
- 性行为
- Xìng xíng wéi
- Sex; sexual act; sexual behavior
- 婚前性行为
- Hūn qián xìnɡ xínɡ wéi
- Premarital sex

Example sentence
- 你可能和我女儿有婚前性行为。
- Nǐ kěnéng hé wǒ nǚ’ér yǒu hūnqián xìng xíngwéi.
- You might have had premarital sex with my daughter.