We are entering a holiday season. Christmas is coming. Although Christmas is not an official holiday in China, it is nevertheless celebrated across the nation.

In this lesson, let’s learn Christmas related words, greetings, and phrases.
How to say Christmas in Chinese?
- 圣诞 (shèng dàn): The birthday of Jesus Christ
- 节 (jié): Festival
- 圣诞节 (shèng dàn jié): Christmas Day (12月25日)
Well, Christmas is called Sheng Dan Jie in Chinese.
How to say Merry Christmas?
Merry Christmas is called Sheng Dan Kual Le in Chinese.
- 圣诞快乐 (shènɡ dàn kuài lè): Merry Christmas
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How to say Christmas Eve in Chinese? Christmas Eve is called Ping An Ye in Chinese?
- 平安夜 (pínɡ ān yè): Christmas Eve; a peaceful night
How to say Santa Clause in Chinese? Santa Clause is called Sheng Dan Lao Ren or Sheng Dan Lao Gong Gong. in Chinese.
- 圣诞老人 (shènɡ dàn lǎo rén): Santa Claus
- 圣诞老公公 (shènɡ dàn lǎo gōng gong): Santa Claus
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Christmas Greetings
- 祝你圣诞快乐。
- Zhù nǐ shèngdàn kuàilè.
- We wish you a Merry Christmas.
- 祝我们所有的读者圣诞快乐。
- Zhù wǒmen suǒyǒu de dúzhě shèngdàn kuàilè.
- A Merry Christmas to all our readers.
- 圣诞老人在平安夜总是很忙碌的。
- Shèngdàn lǎorén zài píng’ān yè zǒng shì hěn mánglù de.
- Santa Claus is always busy on Christmas Eve.
- 我们要去中国过圣诞。
- Wǒmen yào qù zhōngguó guò shèngdàn.
- We’re going to China for celebrating Christmas.
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