If you are planning to live or work in China, it’s very likely that you’ll need to use numerous Chinese websites.

What are some important websites for expats in China?
Here is a simple list of useful websites for China expats.
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Consular assistance
- Consular Services in China (中国领事服务网)
- cs.mfa.gov.cn
Finding jobs/Employment
- China Services International (中国国际人才市场)
- www.chinajob.com.cn
- Service System for Foreigners Working in China (外国人来华工作管理服务系统)
- fwp.safea.gov.cn
- Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (人力资源与社会保障局)
- www.mohrss.gov.cn
- State Administration of Taxation (国家税务总局)
- www.chinatax.gov.cn
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Immigration – Exit and Entry
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (外交部):
- www.fmprc.gov.cn
- National Immigration Administration (国家移民管理局):
- www.nia.gov.cn
- The General Administration of Customs (海关总署)
- www.customs.gov.cn
- Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Beijing (香港特别行政区驻京办)
- www.bjo.gov.hk
- Office of the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region in Beijing(澳门特别行政区驻京办)
- www.draemp.gov.mo
Travel and Tourism
- Ministry of Culture and Tourism (文化和旅游部)
- www.mct.gov.cn
- Civil Aviation Board (民用航空局)
- www.caac.gov.cn
- China Railway Customer Service Center (中国铁路客服)
- www.12306.cn
House Purchase
- Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (住房和城乡建设部)
- www.mohurd.gov.cn
Marriage Registration and Adoption
- The Ministry of Civil Affairs (民政部)
- www.mca.gov.cn
- Bridge of Love Adoption Service (爱之桥服务社)
- www.china-blas.org
- China Children’s Welfare and Adoption Center (中国儿童福利与收养中心)
- www.cccwa.cn
- The Ministry of Education (教育部)
- www.moe.gov.cn
- Center for Language Education and Cooperation (中外语言交流合作中心)
- www.chinese.cn
- China International Education Foundation (中国国际中文教育基金)
- www.cief.org.cn
- Chinese Test Service (汉语考试服务网)
- www.chinesetest.cn
- Chinese Bridge (汉语桥)
- bridge.chinese.cn
- China Scholarship Council (国家留学基金委)
- www.csc.edu.cn
- Bank of China (中国银行)
- www.boc.cn
- ICBC (中信银行) – China CITIC Bank; CITIC Industrial Bank
- www.icbc.com.cn
- Agricultural Bank of China (农业银行)
- www.abchina.com
- China Construction Bank (建设银行)
- www.ccb.com
- Bank of Communications (交通银行)
- www.bankcomm.com
- China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation – CSDC (中国结算)
- www.chinaclear.cn
Postal Communication Services
- China Telecom
- www.chinatelecom.com.cn
- China Mobile
- www.10086.cn
- China Unicom
- www.10010.com
- China Post (中国邮政)
- www.chinapost.com.cn
- China Notary (中国公证网)
- www.chinanotary.org